Sunday 17 July 2011

Back into it...

I've decided I love routine. Getting up this morning to get Zoe off to school was hard this morning...but I am enjoying feeling like I am productive with my time again, getting out early for the day. It was lovely too seeing the familiar faces at school, going to assembly and being part of "something".

Today I played squash with Ant and Rach. I loved it. I don't think I've had a game since Zoe was 8 months old. Well I can still hit a ball!! I loved it. I defineately want to include a regular game in my schedule. Rach gave me a weight watchers tracker too today. So I think it is a sign... to get right into the weight loss/fitness/healthy eating again. During the holidays I had a sinus and chest infection and I didn't exercise at all. I didn't realise how sluggish I had felt..I am pumping now I've got theose endorphins going. I am also going to start personal training with Sue. So this combined with my treadmill will keep me on track and not getting bored. I love exercising with doesn't feel like you are doing exercise really.

Another exciting thing..I have a job interview tomorrow for a job as a Nurse Trainer (for enrolled nurses)...I would love to go into that direction...I hope I get it!!

1 comment:

  1. love love your work kel. miss you . love reading about you and whats going on. love the rock party idea. love Stacey
